
‘Non-zero’ Crypto Addresses Surge as Institutional Investors Pile into Bitcoin

MORE people than ever now hold Bitcoin and Ethereum, judging by the number of ‘non-zero’ addresses that now exist.

According to Decrypt, there are now more than 32, 925,000 Bitcoin and 50,476,000 Ethereum addresses that hold some balance of cryptocurrency.

The last year as seen a steady increase in the number of non-zero addresses, perhaps driven by a growing confidence in crypto driven by a huge surge in institutional investors gaining exposure to the asset class.

Many commentators believe this confidence from fund managers and companies with funds to invest, heavily weighted towards Bitcoin, signals the start of a fresh Bull run for the oldest and most valuable coin.

At the time of writing BTC had recovered from a dip to the top end of the $17,000s and surged back up to around $19,200 per coin.

The confidence from large investment firms has driven more retail investors to add crypto to their portfolios as it edges closer to becoming a mainstream currency.

Many still believe though that considerable work needs to be done to make BTC and other coins user friendly before widespread adoption can happen.